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Who can submit the journal paper?

    All the out-standing awardees of the ICACT conference has priority to this journal submission, and also the authors invited by the Journal Editorial Board as the near out-standing paper level, whose conference paper has been accepted & presented at the ICACT conference, if they could extend and prove new R&D contents at least 30% more than conference paper's without the acceptance evaluation process (Review process). Journal paper must be full compliance with the IEEE Journal Template Form attached on this page.     In case of, you directly submit the journal paper without the conference paper invitation. You will be an ordinary author who has to follow up the review process.

How to submit the Journal paper and its processes?

Submit All author must use the Journal templet in this page. Submit your journal paper in this page, then you will get new paper ID of your journal. Don't forget to send your journal Paper ID to the tact(at) for further processing initiated.
Once you got your Journal paper ID, never submit again! Using the Update button, you can change any information of journal paper and its related.
Review In case of ordinary paper. it will assign the 3 peer reviewers to evaluate the paper. Inform the evaluation result via the Author Homepage and eMail within around 4 weeks.
Edit In case of invited paper, it is to mainly focus on the new R&D result at least 30% more than conference paper's. Editor will check all the Journal Editing Tips in this Webpage. It will take around 4 weeks.
Registrate Once journal registration fee gets paid, submit the Journal CRF Manuscripts in PDF format in this page, using the download templets.
Publish The journal acceptance certificate will be posted on the Author Homepage at first. All the Journal papers will be posted on the IEEE Xplore DL once a year together with all the ICACT conference papers just after the ICACT conference event. It will take around 2 months. As well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases like SCOPUS, EI Compendex, INSPEC, Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), etc. It will take a month after IEEE Xplore posting.

Journal Paper first time only Journal Paper or Author Information
Once you got your Journal paper ID, never submit again!

CRF Manuscripts for IEEE Xplore DL publication.

Submit/Update CRFs
Submit/Update Final full paper, Copyright, Biograpy with Abstract

Download Templates

Journal Manuscript Templates PDF MS-Word
Journal Paper
Biography with Abstract
Only in case of the Latex Templates, please visit to IEEE Manuscript Templates.
The TACT journal paper template is compatible with IEEE journal template.

¨Ï Copyright 1999. ICACT (ISSN 1738-9445) & Global IT Research Institute(GiRI) All rights Reserved. Contact: office (at) icact . org Tel:+82-70-4146-4991
1713 Obelisk, 216 Seohyunno, Bundang-gu, Sungnam Kyunggi-do, Republic of Korea 13591
Business License Number : 220-82-07506, President: Thomas ByeongNam Yoon Ph.D.   
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