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2025-02-15, Week 7 |
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13372 :
14:00~18:00 |
Registration (Floor 2, Timber Grand Ballroom Front Floor Desk)
15:30 |
Tutorial & Workshop Session (2F, Timber Hall 1)
Chair: Prof. Thomas Byeongnam Yoon, Ph.D. Global IT Research Institute (GiRI), Korea |
15:30 ~ 16:00 |
Speaker : Prof. Kwanghoon Pio Kim
AI Computer Science and Engineering, Kyonggi University Korea
Speaker : Prof. Yeong-il Kwon
Dean of Graduate School of MOT, Hoseo University Korea
Speaker : Prof. Hyeong Ho Lee
SNU of Science and Technology Korea
Feb. 17 |
09:00~17:00 |
Registration (Floor 2, Timber Grand Ballroom Front Floor Desk)
10:00~11:30 |
Session 1A
Wireless Communication
Chair: Dr. Feng-Chun Su, National Museum of Marine Science & Technology, Taiwan |
Session 1B
Agenda I
Artificial Intelligence 1
Chair: Prof. Kwanghoon Kim, Kyonggi University, Korea |
Session 1C
Agenda II
Security 1
Chair: Dr. Toshikazu Sakano, Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute (ATR), Japan |
11:30~13:00 |
Lunch Break
13:00~14:30 |
Session 2A
Mobile Communication
Chair: Prof. Szu-Lin Su, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan |
Session 2B
Agenda I
Artificial Intelligence 2
Chair: Prof. Matthew Fried, Farmingdale State University, USA |
Session 2C
Agenda II
Security 2
Chair: Dr. Hoon-Min Park, Emsolution Co., LTD, Korea |
14:30~16:00 |
Housekeeping Long Break
16:00 |
Keynote Speech Session (Floor 2, Timber Grand Ballroom)
Chair: Prof. Thomas B.Yoon Global IT Research Institute (GiRI), Korea |
16:00~16:45 |
Keynote Speaker I
Prof. Jun Kyun Choi, Ph.D. KAIST Korea
16:45~17:30 |
Keynote Speaker II
Prof. Jun-Chul Chun, Ph.D. Kyonggi University Korea
17:30 ~ 18:00 |
Coffee Break
18:00 |
Plenary Session & Opening Ceremony (Floor 2, Timber Grand Ballroom)
Moderator: Dr. Pham Dinh Lam |
- |
Welcome Address : General Chair
Congratulatory Address : TPC Chair
Plenary Agenda: OOC Chair
18:00 ~ 19:00 |
Outstanding Paper Award : Chairs of IEEE ComSoc - ICACT2025 Committees
¡Ø Toast for Opening Grand Banquet!!
Feb. 18 |
09:00~17:00 |
Registration (Floor 2, Timber Grand Ballroom Front Floor Desk)
10:00~11:30 |
Session 3A
Communication Network
Chair: Prof. S. H. Shah Newaz, Universiti Teknologi, Brunei |
Session 3B
Agenda I
Artificial Intelligence 3
Chair: Prof. Viet-Vu Vu, CMC University, Vietnam |
Session 3C
Agenda II
Computer Vision 1
Chair: Prof. Ming-Shen Jian, National Formosa University, Taiwan |
11:30~13:00 |
Lunch Break
13:00 ~ 14:30 |
Session 4A
Robotics, Smart City 1
Chair: Dr. Feng-Chun Su, National Museum of Marine Science & Technology, Taiwan |
Session 4B
Agenda I
Artificial Intelligence 4
Chair: Prof. Matthew Fried, Farmingdale State University, USA |
Session 4C
Agenda II
Computer Vision 2
Chair: Prof. SUNIL KUMAR PRABHAKAR, Hallym University, Korea |
14:30~15:00 |
Coffee Break
15:00~16:30 |
Session 5A
Robotics, Smart City 2
Chair: Dr. Pham Dinh Lam, Kyonggi University, Korea |
Session 5B
Agenda I
Artificial Intelligence 5
Chair: Prof. SUNIL KUMAR PRABHAKAR, Hallym University, Korea |
Session 5C
Agenda II
Digital Twin, Software Platform 1
Chair: Prof. Mohamad Shahfik Afendi Abdul Ghani, Malaysia |
Feb. 19 |
09:00~11:00 |
Registration (Floor 2, Timber Grand Ballroom Front Floor Desk)
10:00 ~ 11:30 |
Session 6A
Robotics, Smart City 3
Chair: Prof. Heonjong Yoo, Chungbuk National University, Korea |
Session 6B
Agenda I
Artificial Intelligence 6
Chair: Dr. Jung Joo Yoo, Global IT Research Institute (GIRI), Korea |
Session 6C
Agenda II
Digital Twin, Software Platform 2
Chair: Prof. Young-Bae Ko, Ajou University, Korea |
11:30 |
See you at ICACT2026!
Feb. 08 (Sun) ~ 11 (Wed), 2026
¨Ï Copyright 1999. ICACT (ISSN 1738-9445) & Global IT Research Institute(GiRI) All rights Reserved. Contact: office (at) icact . org Tel:+82-70-4146-4991
1713 Obelisk, 216 Seohyunno, Bundang-gu, Sungnam Kyunggi-do, Republic of Korea 13591
Business License Number : 220-82-07506, President: Thomas ByeongNam Yoon Ph.D. |
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